
WWE's Rhea Ripley breaks character to discuss her drastic change in appearance

Rhea Ripley is a WWE Superstar who has reinvented their look in recent years to further their career. The Australian star recently discussed her decision to change her appearance.

The 26-year-old signed for WWE in 2017 and was first introduced as a Smiley Happy Go Lucky Blonde Girl, Next Door character. Today, however, she is one of the most intimidating-looking stars on the roster, with short jet-black hair accompanied by a take-no-prisoners attitude.

Speaking on After The Bell, Rhea was asked why and when she decided to cut her hair to a much shorter style and how the alteration in her appearance affected her mindset.

"I wanted to cut my hair for a long time, but I was so scared. It's such a scary thing, I always use my hair to hide behind, but one of the guys at the PC was like, 'I think you'd rock short hair. Just do it.' And I was like, 'alright I'm gonna do it.' So I cut my hair, and gradually it got shorter every week. Every NXT show, it got shorter and shorter," Ripley said. "But I think I just finally started accepting who I was, and not caring what everyone else thought of me." (H/T Wrestling Inc)

Rhea Ripley is currently going through the best spell of her WWE career, with her being one of the key stars in the villainous faction, The Judgment Day, as well as reigning as the current SmackDown Women's Champion.

Rhea Ripley reacts to a major moment from her WWE career

On April 18 last year, The Eradicator decided to turn her back on the fanbase and her former tag team partner Liv Morgan, in a move that eventually propelled her to the top of the card.

Yesterday, the current SmackDown Women's Champion took to social media as she reacted to a throwback of her ending her partnership with Liv Morgan.

"The END of L4B ⚖️," tweeted Ripley.

Since capturing gold at WrestleMania 39 earlier this month, Rhea has yet to put the belt on the line, but with Backlash taking place on May 6, many expect her to defend her championship for the first time.

Who would you like to see Rhea Ripley defend her title against at Backlash? Give us your thoughts in the comments section below.

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Trudie Dory

Update: 2024-05-24