
Page Six: Rocco Ritchie & Lourdes crave stability away from controlling Madonna

When you are sure you are far from the light. You are closest to the light☀️. ❤️ #rebelheart pic.twitter.com/ZaVO0lcSSl

— Madonna (@Madonna) December 30, 2015

Madonna posted this photo on her social media a few days ago. She also posted another image asking if her fans are in her “gang.” If you’re thinking to yourself, “Wow, Madonna seems a bit thirsty these days,” you’re probably right. Madonna is going to spend the early part of 2016 (at least) engaged in a custody fight for her 15-year-old son Rocco Ritchie. Rocco refused to come to New York for Christmas, choosing instead to stay with his dad, Guy Ritchie, in London. Go here to recap the situation, which was an ongoing mess throughout the holidays. Apparently, Rocco has even blocked Madonna from seeing his private Instagram account now as well. And Page Six had a long, detailed article (with some new info) about the ongoing dispute. You can read the full piece here. Some highlights:

Lourdes & Rocco kind of hate their mom: “Insiders say that her two teenagers, Rocco and Lourdes, are fed up with the Material Mom’s mixed messages — and they’re acting out on their frustration. They “crave stability,” says a Guy Ritchie source, but their mother’s relentless touring schedule has made that difficult. Multiple insiders note the children also feel Madonna is “too controlling.”

Rocco is due back in New York soon: “A Manhattan Civil Supreme Court judge ruled that Rocco must return to New York before the January start of his school session at Lycée Français de New York. So far, Rocco has refused, remaining in England with his dad, stepmother and three half siblings. A hearing will be held on Feb. 3 to resolve his future. But Rocco has made clear his intentions, telling a friend on Instagram, “I’m staying here, bro.”

Sources say: “Rocco spent most of the second half of 2015 on tour with his mother and got upset about not spending enough time with her. Even by her ruthless standards, Madonna has been particularly driven on the tour, and when Rocco did see her, he felt like she was trying to micromanage his life….When he’s in England, [Rocco] gets to live a low-key life ... He can go about his business and talk to girls without paparazzi stalking him, as Guy has carved out a pretty private existence for his family… He finds making friendships in New York much more difficult. Over here, everyone [is] trying to score an invitation over to Madonna’s house…When he stays with his father . . . Rocco is allowed to play guitar until the early hours of the morning. Guy does have rules, but he had zero confidence growing up and wants his son to feel as empowered as possible.”

Madonna’s rules: Apparently, Madge makes her kids follow her macrobiotic diet, with all sweets, dairy, salt, perservatives and chocolates completely banned. No TV, no messy rooms, and the kids only get a phone when they’re 15-ish. Madonna has said that Rocco wishes she would “just cook for him.”

The Lourdes issue: Lourdes is the oldest and apparently a lot like Madonna. Lola is partying and letting her hair down at University of Michigan, and Madonna “has found out that with her teenagers, they can easily look online and see what she got up to at their age.” Rocco apparently misses Lola too: “She was the only one who really understood what he was going through — David and Mercy are still so young, they can’t connect with him on that level. Lourdes has been relishing her freedom and Rocco [is] envious in many ways.”

[From Page Six]

Page Six ends their story by saying that Guy Ritchie’s King Arthur movie has been pushed back, and Guy is happy about that because it means that he can spend more time confronting Madonna about the kids and “He’s ready for the fight.” There was also this interesting little detail in the Page Six report – towards the end of Guy and Madonna’s marriage, Madonna was sick of how Guy would “snigger to his friends about her hideous taste.” Ouch.

As for the Rocco stuff… it’s typical teenage drama mixed with a controlling mother. I think Rocco and Lourdes have craved stability all their lives and they had that stability briefly when Guy and Madonna were together (despite what is being said now, Guy was a hands-on stepfather to Lola and they adored each other). It doesn’t surprise me in the least that Rocco associates his father’s home with stability and “being a normal kid.”


Photos courtesy of WENN, Instagram.


Patria Henriques

Update: 2024-05-24