
Americas Got Talent Finale Recap 09/26/23: Season 18 Episode 20 Finale Performances

America’s Got Talent Finale Recap 09/26/23: Season 18 Episode 20 "Finale Performances"

Tonight on NBC America’s Got Talent begins with an all-new Tuesday, September 26, 2023, episode and we have your America’s Got Talent recap below! On tonight’s AGT season 18 episode 20 “Finale Performances″, as per the NBC synopsis, “The top 11 acts perform one last time for their chance to win $1 million and be named the most talented act in America.”

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In tonight’s America’s Got Talent episode, it was the Finale! It’s all live performances tonight. There was no room for mistakes or even growth. They had to be Vegas worthy tonight or all was lost.

Up first was Adrian Stoica and Hurricane. These two were a funny dog act that hailed all the way from Italy. Adrian had to return home not that long ago because his eldest dog has passed away. Adrian was dealing with his grief and his beloved Hurricane was there to bring a smile to his face as well as that of all America. These two remain funny. They had fun on the stage. They made others feel included in that fun and they were top contenders for the prize.

The judges had only good things to say. Even Simon was impressed. He loved this act and he expressed condolences for Adrian’s friend that recently passed away. Hurricane was a hard act to follow, but Mzansi Youth Choir were brave enough to do so. They were after all the first Golden Buzzer of the season. They were truly talented. They also had an amazing message of giving children back home in their native country of South Africa some much needed hope. They performed “My Universe” that started off as a Coldplay and BTS cross over.

The Mzansi Youth Choir put their own spin on the modern classic. They added a very African flair to it. They even performed a few lines in their original language and it all sounded beautiful. They were a wonderful choir. Many were hoping they’d win it all. Howie was the only person that found flaws in their performance tonight and he rightfully gotten booed over his criticism. Next up was Avantgardey. They all came from Japan. Tonight’s talent was all over the world and Japan could never be disappointed with Avantgardey.

They were a unique dance group. They displayed an avantgarde interpretation of dance. Hence the name. They were a bit spooky, comedic, and mysterious all at the same time. They received a standing ovation after their best performance to date tonight. The judges all sang their praises. Howie loved them as always. Sofia said they were so weird and she still loved it. Both Heidi and Simon had great compliments as well. They truly one up their game each step of the way. Its why they beat out so many others.

Next up was Heidi’s Golden Buzzer, Lavender Darcangelo. Lavender was an incredible singer. She has disabilities and for a long time she let those disabilities stop her from pursuing her dream. But thankfully she took a chance this season. She put herself out there and she’s received nothing but love back. Lavender performed “You Will Be Found” that was originally from “Dear Evan Hansen”. It was so flawlessly beautiful that everyone was completely focused on her. You couldn’t hear a pin drop. Simon said that was the biggest compliment a singer could ever receive.

Lavender’s performance sounded like the perfect soundtrack at the end of the movie. Will it lead to the start of her singing career? Who knows. Next up was Chibi Unity. They were another dance group. They were known for going big and that came with risks. Especially during the live shows! They injured themselves in rehearsals and they couldn’t afford to do that tonight. Tonight they had to be perfect. This was the dance group that was another Golden Buzzer winner. They had to go big tonight and that’s exactly what they did.

Chibi Unity went huge. They pulled off the best performance to date. Their performance knocked everyone else out of the competition. Or at least that’s what three of the four judges claimed. The only one that was critical was Howie. Howie felt they weren’t adding much to their performances. He was once again booed by everyone. Then it was onto the next one. 82nd Airborne Chorus were back tonight to highlight the many servicemen and women in the Airborne Division. And they chose to perform the song “Brother” by NeedtoBreathe.

It was their best performance since they joined the show. They had the audience on their feet interacting. Everyone there had tremendous amount of support for this choir and it wasn’t just Simon that was thanking them for their service. They had the whole US military voting for them. Next up was Anna DeGuzman. She was a magician. Magician have won AGT in the past and Anna was hoping to continue that tradition. She normally let the magic stay in her hands. Only she chose to go different route tonight. She chose to put magic in the hands of the audience this time.

Anna pulled off a daring move in which everyone in the audience pulled out the same card. Simon was so stunned that he wanted to know how she pulled it off and all she would say is magic. She was the only magician in the finale. It was a rare female magician to make it to the final. Tonight was the first for many. Ahren Belisle was a rare comic that has gotten to the finals. Ahren has disabilities in which he can’t speak vocally. He has to speak through his cell phone only he was still funny. He wasn’t afraid to get edgy. Or poke fun at himself.

He also brought out a dog because he said he would do anything to win votes. If the leash could fit his grandmother, she’d be joining him onstage. Ahren can pretty much do anything at this point and still be funny. Next up was Putri Ariani. She was a wonderful singer. She didn’t shy away from the high notes. She sang with soul and her performance of “Don’t Let the Sun Go Down On Me” was beautiful. She even had a choir singing in the background for her. Her performance was without flaw and lots of soul.

Putri was Simon’s Golden Buzzer. He still takes pride in that decision because America deserves to hear from her. Howie of all people agreed with him. He found that performance to be perfect. The audience thought the same and they were voting for her even as there were still more acts to follow. Next up was the Ramadhani Brothers. These two were actual brothers hailing from Tanzania. They were an acrobatic duo. They pulled off daring moves in the air and showed off a scary amount of strength. They were truly talented. And that might not be enough to win AGT.

Up next was Murmuration. They were a dance group that hailed from France. They leaned more into contemporary form of dance. They put on a beautiful performance once again tonight and Simon called it perfection. They were Howie’s Golden Buzzer. He couldn’t be prouder of them. Heidi was a little confused about the two conductors but she remains a big fan of theirs. And even Sofia loved them.

Tomorrow will be followed by duets and results, but tonight was what got America voting for the best.



Elina Uphoff

Update: 2024-05-22